How Public Records Search Penetrates the Hidden Online World

Criminal records search is one of the most frequently used forms of public records search.
Criminal records search is one of the most frequently used forms of public records search.

The demand for information explodes every month as the Information Age unfolds. Due to the Big Bang of Electronic Publishing, we can sift through data electronically archived in way too many places to digest. Some studies have revealed that Google’s Web search database comprises approximately 1 trillion Web pages and that the collection adds content at the rate of a thousand million URLs in 24 hours. And though much Web content disappears after large archives close (as when blogging services like Vox close), the flood of electronic data available to us continues its upward spiral.

We will never be able to encompass so much knowledge. Yet what seems most bewildering is that the numbers simply concern the content called the “Indexed Web” or the “Shallow Web”. Some people say many billions more Web documents buried in firewalled storage named the Hidden Web or the Deep Web. So-called moated data warehouses include crude or obscure search indexes and are often found behind paid subscriptions, or they may be encapsulated in obscure structures. The deep Web needs custom search interfaces to help people search the hard-to-reach content found in the unindexed Web.

Between the two Webs, which exist side-by-side, is the crossroads of public information warehouses. Most often known as public records, such half-public data shops possess simple search tools yet nonetheless have been made more accessible through commercial people search offerings. Per a public records article archive from, searchers use thousands of Internet archives of public records.

Public records are made available by government Websites or some are published by private collections, including telephone and business directories, class or school reunion sites, and so forth. Even your simple archive for resumes provides a form of public records publication. And yet, most people associate public records with government data.

When you need to scan public archives for more information about a potential client, maybe to do a complete background review, you may not have time or maybe you are deprived of the skill to utilize so many tools. It is obvious how the background checks industry is now a big commerce. Some experts assess background records sales in billions of USD. Finding and analyzing these huge collections of public records offered just for US citizens alone is typically quite beyond the skills of all people. Every major search engine hardly touches the mass of the information stockpile. Plenty of academic resources touch upon the nature of and condition of background checks.

Information archives like give us a glimpse of the state of public records search and figure out what to do next.

What Kinds of Public Records Can Be Searched Online?

The number of public records that are available has exploded almost exponentially over the past two decades.  You can search real estate records, death records, marriage and birth records, and criminal background records. There are also many online databases for business licenses and inspections, divorces, and more.

The huge volumes of public records data flooding the Internet has propelled the public records search industry into the forefront of modern technology.  We no longer have to hire private investigators to learn many things about our neighbors, co-workers, loved ones, and complete strangers.

Who Should Use Public Records Search on the Internet?

People who are researching their family history make extensive use of public records archives.  They can discover when and where their forefathers immigrated to America, when they were counted in a census, whether they served in the military, and other interesting facts.  It is even possible to find the graves of family members.

Not all “public records” are maintained by government bodies.  There are now many commercial services that index information about home owners, cemeteries, businesses, and more.  These companies sell access to the data they have collected, or in some cases offer it for free.

We have become accustomed to searching online for information about people we know as well as complete strangers.  All of this data counts as part of the public information archive.  We would be lost without access to this information.